After many recitals in caravan parks, retirement villages and day care centres, I was encouraged by several people to gather my poems into a book. Personally, I did not think the poems were worthy of amassing in a book, but during the Covid pandemic of 2021, I decided to make enquiries of creating a book of my poems.
I wanted to share some life experiences with the general public in a form God gifted me. My uncle on my mother’s side was a gifted poet and a man I was close to during my teenage years. He inspired my start in poetry writing and to him I will be ever grateful.
My hope is that readers will recall some instances in their lives sparked by my poems. Feedback on my first book, Australian Bush Poetry, has been very encouraging, and many have recalled incidents in their younger years, similar to the stories in my poems.
I have always believed in sharing knowledge with others, and this book is a case in point. Not many Australians experience life in the Outback and my poems may give a slight insight into the world I love.
Poetry is a form of story- telling, a form of entertainment to the reader and a sharing of data from the writer to the reader. I am not writing poems to make money, instead the opposite is the truth. I keep a list of the feedback I have been given from my readers and this is my reward.
I enjoyed writing these poems for you and I hope you enjoy reading them.
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