POCKET BASICS is Australia’s bestselling pocket guide to getting your child NAPLAN – or even secondary school – ready. In Australia it has sold over 200,000 copies. A compact, succinct and indexed go-to reference to all the fundamentals, POCKET BASICS is spiral bound for easy use by children and parents. A book of two halves, POCKET BASICS for English covers parts of speech (prepositions, articles, interjections, adverbs, verbs, conjunctions, adjectives, pronouns, nouns), spelling, punctuation, contractions, common confusions and the phonetic alphabet. POCKET BASICS for maths covers multiplication tables, roman numerals, mathematical definitions, fractions, formulas, percentages, shapes, angles and decimals. The information in the book is designed to build confidence and cater to the child’s own ability to learn. With state government broadening the importance of English and maths in the school curriculum, THE POCKET BASICS FOR ENGLISH AND MATHS will have appeal to a new and expanded audience. It is also an ideal reference book for children and adults learning English as a second language.
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